Friday, June 5, 2009

I don't watch your show, but thanks for the burrito.

I guess that I only associate interesting things that happen to me in a city with me getting food, but oh well. After a surprisingly easy drive home from The Internship (the first drive home without my GPS, no less) I arrive on my street to find it filled with grip trucks and security men. As I walk down the block from where I parked to my abode I peak inside the trucks and see some 5ks, 10ks, and some huge Rosco carts. Fun fun fun. As I get closer to my house I see that the crew seems to be set up in the back lot of a store, directly across the street from my place, and that the catering truck is right in front of the house. I decide against bothering anyone to ask about the shoot, but as I am about to put my key into the gate I hear a voice behind me ask, "Excuse me, Miss? Are you hungry?" And since, yes, I am always hungry, I have a short chat with the caterer who offers me some burritos and chips and tells me that it's a shoot for Nip/Tuck. Thanks for the burrito, Nip/Tuck. 

I keep thinking about the East Coast stereotypes associated with California, especially Los Angeles. Coming from a New York Family and growing up in Boston, I'd been lead to believe that LA never quite grew out of the whole Valley Girl thing, and I'm quite happy to discover that it has. The worst thing about LA so far is the traffic, and I miss being in a city with good public transportation, but the whole walking-distance-from-beach thing makes up for a lot. The weirdest thing that I've noticed so far is the that the sky at night never gets dark, it just sort of becomes a weird grey-ish brown from the city lights reflecting off of either some serious clouds or some serious smog. The more I think about it, I don't know why I worried so much about 'adapting to a new city' before coming out here. The hardest part of a new city is usually finding the friends and a nice cluster of mine are conveniently out here, so what was the worry? Maybe I expected something more foreign, which LA certainly isn't. There are Taco Bells and Targets to go to on lunch breaks just like any other American city I've ever existed in. 

In addition to free food I also came home to some emails from an academic advisor because due to some apparent lack of communication she thought that I was taking 9 less units than I actually am this summer/fall. It was a kind reminder that this summer living is certainly temporary, and no matter how much I want to relax and enjoy being here there is a certain layer of anxiety about the fall that keeps trying to surface. 

Bye kids,

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